I'm interested in WikiScholar. Specifically, I'd like to work on integrating upload and download tools for it into Zotero (popular BibTeX-based AGPL bibliography-scraping tool, community is interested in collaboration). Uploading existing compatible-copyleft bibliographic databases might make a good pump-primer.
I understand the Wikischolar project is dormant; one of the Wikimania abstracts says this is for technical reasons. Besides the scaling issues, can anyone point me to a good summary of the technical challenges? Are we waiting on something from Wikidata?
Would a BibTeX skeleton version, for extension once technical challenges are overcome, be hostable? Hosting costs are the main reason Zotero hasn't made a public database yet. Would it make a decent part of a grant proposal? https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:OpenScientist/Open_grant_writing/Open-A...
Expert opinions on plausibility, methods, or frankly anything, would be very welcome. I'm fluent in English, French, and German.
Regards, Hazel