Call for Papers, apologies for cross-posting
Part of the 17th International Conference on
Metadata and Semantic Research (MTSR 2023),
October 23rd - 27th 2023
University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Paper Submission Deadline: 16th July, 2023
MTSR2023 Conference will accommodate a dedicated session for OnLine presentation
Proceedings will be published in Springer CCIS series. CCIS is
abstracted/indexed in Scopus, SCImago,
EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, DBLP, Google Scholar. CCIS volumes
are also submitted for the
inclusion in ISI Proceedings.
Cultural Heritage collections are essential knowledge infrastructures
that provide a solid
representation of the historical background of human communities.
These knowledge infrastructures
are constructed from and integrate cultural information derived from
diverse memory institutions,
mainly libraries, archives and museums. Each individual community has
spent a lot of effort
in order to develop, support and promote its own systems, tools and
metadata for the management
of cultural information, mainly related to its particular resources and use.
In this framework, the management of the cultural information has to
deal with challenges related to
(i) metadata modeling, specification, standardization, extraction,
(semantic) enrichment, mapping,
integration, effective use, and evaluation, (ii) knowledge
representation as conceptualization to
provide the context for unambiguously interpreting metadata, and (iii)
information integration from
different contexts for the provision of integrated access, reuse and
advanced services to users.
At the same time, there are also inter-domain efforts targeted to
semantically align data (research
data, educational data, public sector information etc.) to cultural
information. New challenges are
also emerged from the need to incorporate cultural information into
the new publication paradigms,
where a variety of resources (data, metadata, processes, results, etc)
are linked and integrated,
providing better shareability and reusability. Currently, Linked
(Open) Data, as part of the
Semantic Web Technology, is having a major role in modernizing
cultural heritage collections.
Providing to users the possibility to re-use and integrate data into
their own systems is currently
more than a need, given that transparency and access to information is
a prerequisite. A critical
factor to the effectiveness of many aspects of all the above efforts
is the quality of metadata,
as interpreted by its context and use and evaluated by the proper
measures and methods. Many
institutions and aggregate infrastructures are dealing with the poor
quality of metadata that
inevitably results in poor integration, search and reuse, while their
enrichment, in terms of
contextualization, co-referencing, alignment, etc, is really challenging.
The aim of this Special Track is to maintain a dialogue where
researchers and practitioners working
on all the aspects of the cultural information will come together and
exchange ideas about open issues
at all stages of the cultural heritage information life cycle. The
track also welcomes works related to
semantics and applications for new approaches to cultural information
publication and sharing, as well
as to interlinking to other datasets published in the Semantic Web universe.
The papers in this special track should be original and of high
quality, addressing issues in areas
such as:
* Cultural Heritage metadata models, standards, ontologies, knowledge
organization and representation systems
* Cultural Heritage information integration, interoperability and mappings
* Automated extraction of metadata, entities, and patterns from
Cultural Heritage resources
* Metadata manual or automated (Semantic) enrichment and search
* Metadata quality metrics, tools and services
* Linked Open Data approaches in the Cultural Heritage domain
* Publication, linking and citation of Cultural Heritage information
and resources
* Large volume content management
* 3D models-indexing, storage and retrieval approaches
* Infrastructures for sharing content
* Digital Curation workflows and models
* Provenance and preservation metadata for Cultural Heritage digital resources
Authors can submit either full papers (12 pages) or short papers (6
pages). Submitted papers have to
follow the LNCS proceedings formatting style and guidelines.
Submissions should be original and not previously submitted, published
and under review to other
Conferences or Journals.The submitted papers will undergo the same
peer review as the submissions
for MTSR 2023 and accepted contributions will be published in the MTSR
2023 proceedings (Springer CCIS
series). Authors of accepted papers will be asked to register to the
Conference and present their work.
Selected papers might be considered for a revised and extended version
to be published in a range of
international journals, including the International Journal of
Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
(Inderscience), and Data Technologies and Applications (previously
published as Program, Emerald).
More information on submission can be found at the MTSR 2023 call for
papers web page.
July 16th, 2023: Submission deadline!
August 27th, 2023: Notification of decision (Acceptance/Rejection)
September 24th, 2023: Camera-ready papers due
October 23rd - 27th 2023 MTSR Conference at the University of
Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
(The MTSR2023 Conference will accommodate a dedicated session
for online presentation)
* Michalis Sfakakis, Dept. Archives, Library Science and Museology,
Ionian University, Corfu, Greece (sfakakis(a)
* Lina Bountouri, Dept. Archives, Library Science and Museology,
Ionian University, Corfu, Greece and
EU Publications Office - European Commission,
Luxembourg (boudouri(a), linabountouri(a)
Dear all,
it's not my work but I think it's important to share with you the Statement on the negative impact of the Italian Ministry of Culture’s Decree No. 161 of April 11, 2023 on research and circulation of Italian cultural heritage images that was published by Creative Commons Italia and signed by other associations and organizations that are active in the GLAM sector:
All the best,
//English Version below//
4Culture Barcamp 2023: 3D-Forschungsdaten für das materielle Kulturerbe
Special Guest: NFDI4Objects
Liebe Teilnehmende und Interessierte unserer vergangenen Veranstaltungen rund um das Thema 3D und Kulturerbe,
es ist wieder soweit!
Nach unserem letztjährigen Barcamp, dass sich ganz allgemein 3D-Daten und digitalem Kulturerbe gewidmet hat, wollen wir uns dieses Jahr mit Euch thematisch auf digitale 3D-Objekte in Sammlungen und Museen fokussieren, und zwar ganz dezidiert in ihrer Verwendung und Nutzung als Forschungsdaten.
05. Juli 2023 (10 bis 16 Uhr)
4Culture Barcamp 2023: 3D-Forschungsdaten für das materielle Kulturerbe
Online via Zoom
Registrierung via
Das Sammeln, Bewahren und Erforschen von Objekten des materiellen Kulturerbes sind essentielle Aufgabenbereiche in Museen und Sammlungen. Dabei gewinnen 3D-Daten im Kontext der Dokumentation, des Erhalts, der Restaurierung sowie der Rekonstruktion von Objekten in Gedächtnis-Institutionen zunehmend an Bedeutung.
Während im Bereich Vermittlung die repräsentative Wirkung von digitalen 3D-Objekten seit Jahren erprobt und etabliert ist, sehen wir uns beim Thema 3D-Forschungsdaten noch viel ungenutztem Potential gegenüber.
Anfang Juli möchten wir daher mit unserem 3ten 4Culture-Barcamp zu Digitalisierung in der Wissenschaft eine Austausch-Plattform zu 3D-Kulturerbedaten als Forschungsdaten bieten. Dafür steht uns dieses Jahr unser Schwesterkonsortium NFDI4Objects zur Seite, welches das Barcamp mit seiner Expertise speziell zum Dokumentieren und Sammeln materieller Hinterlassenschaften des Kulturerbes bereichern wird.
Im Rahmen unseres diesjährigen Barcamps soll es darum gehen, die Vielfältigkeit der 3D-Forschungsdatenwelt und ihrer Auswertemöglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, um davon ausgehend eine systematische Übersicht abzuleiten. Diese kann die Grundlage bilden, Anforderungen an das Management von 3D-Daten als Forschungsdaten klarer zu beschreiben.
Wir möchten mit Euch gemeinsam unter anderem den Fragen nachgehen, was 3D-Daten als Forschungsdaten qualifiziert, wo 3D-Forschungsdaten als solche bereits zur Anwendung kommen, welche weiteren Szenarien vorstellbar sind und was das im Rückschluss für die 3D-Digitalisierung bedeutet. Es soll weiterhin darum gehen, wie 3D-Daten für die eigene Forschung genutzt und für externe Forschende bereit gestellt werden können. Die Themen sind vielfältig und können reichen von den Anforderungen an Digitalisate für einen morphometrischen Vergleich bis zu Szenarien für ihre systematische Erschließung in institutionellen oder generischen Daten-Repositorien. Das Wissen liegt bei Euch, in der Digitalisierungs- und 3D-Community. Wie immer gilt: Das ist Eure Gelegenheit, zu Wort kommen!
Dieses Barcamp dient dazu, einen Austausch zu initiieren, sich zu vernetzen und gemeinsam zu neuen Erkenntnissen zu gelangen. Bringt Eure Erfahrungen und Gedanken zu dem Thema mit. Ebenso können hier Projekte vorgestellt und Gleichgesinnte gefunden werden. Alle Ideen sind willkommen!
Wir freuen uns auf Euch!
Euer Orga-Team
von NFDI4Culture<> (Task Area Digitalisierung und Anreicherung) und NFDI4Objects<> (Task Area Documentation)
An wen richtet sich diese Veranstaltung?
An Interessierte ohne Vorkenntnisse bis hin zu Expert:Innen im Bereich 3D-Digitalisierung und -Analyse.
An Forscher:Innen, Kurator:innen und Restaurator:innen insbesondere an Museen und Sammlungen, aber auch alle weiteren.
An Datengeber:Innen, professionelle Digitalisierende und Nachnutzende.
An Forschungsprojekte, die im Entstehen begriffen sind bis hin zu abgeschlossenen Projekten mit praktischem Erfahrungsschatz.
An Nutzer:Innen und Wirkende im Bereich 3D, AR/VR, Photogrammetrie, Laser Scanning, Computertomografie und alle weiteren.
An Interessierte aus den Bereichen Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie, aber auch alle anderen.
Die Veranstaltung wird via Zoom stattfinden. Eine Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
Wir bitten um Registrierung via
Der Link zum Zoom-Raum wird allen angemeldeten Teilnehmer:innen rechtzeitig vor der Veranstaltung per Mail zugeschickt.
Bei allen etwaigen Rückfragen helfen wir sehr gern weiter und freuen uns über eine kurze Nachricht an coordination-office(at)nfdi4culture(dot)de<>.
Wir freuen uns darüber hinaus sehr über eine Weiterleitung der Eventankündigung an Eure Peer Groups, Fachverbände und -kreise.
Alles rund um die Veranstaltung und Teilnahme
Alle relevanten Infos und das vorläufige Programm findet Ihr auf unserer eigens eingerichteten Barcamp-Seite .
Das Rahmenprogramm wird auf Deutsch stattfinden, einzelne Sessions des Barcamps können auch in anderen Sprachen gestaltet werden.
Session-Vorschläge können bereits im Vorfeld auf dem Barcamp-Portal ( ) hinterlegt oder alternativ ganz klassisch am Barcamp-Tag direkt während der Veranstaltung eingereicht werden. Wer keine eigenen Themen einreichen möchte, ist jederzeit eingeladen, sich den vorgeschlagenen Sessions anzuschließen und dort aktiv zu beteiligen.
Worum geht es bei 3D im Kulturerbe-Bereich, was ist ein Barcamp und wie passt das zusammen?
Interessierten ohne Vorkenntnisse sei das Erklärvideo "3D-Objekte. Das kulturelle Erbe virtuell<>" empfohlen, das grundlegend erklärt, was ein digitales 3D-Objekt ist, wie es entsteht, was bei der Herstellung beachtet werden sollte, warum 3D-Objekte für die Wissenschaft sinnvoll sind und wie sie dabei helfen, das kulturelle Erbe zu erforschen und zu bewahren.
Eine kurze Einführung zu Barcamps ist in nachfolgendem Erklärvideo zu finden:
Für einen Eindruck, wie ein Barcamp im Bereich Kulturdaten aussehen kann, können hier die Ergebnisse und Sessions unserer beiden vorjährigen Barcamps nachgelesen werden: 4Culture Barcamp 2021 <…> -<> Digitalisierung für die Wissenschaft<…> und 4Culture Barcamp 2022 <…> -<> 3D und Kulturerbe<…>.
4Culture Barcamp 2023: 3D research data for material cultural heritage.
Special Guest: NFDI4Objects
After last year's barcamp, which was dedicated to 3D data and digital cultural heritage in general, this year we want to focus with you thematically on digital 3D objects in collections and museums, specifically in their use and exploitation as research data.
July 05, 2023 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
4Culture Barcamp 2023: 3D research data for material cultural heritage.
Online via Zoom
Registration via
Collecting, preserving and researching objects of material cultural heritage are essential tasks in museums and collections. In this context, 3D data is becoming increasingly important in the context of documentation, preservation, restoration, and reconstruction of objects in memory institutions.
While in the field of mediation the representative effect of digital 3D objects has been tested and established for years, we still face a lot of unused potential when it comes to 3D research data.
Therefore, at the beginning of July, we would like to offer an exchange platform on 3D cultural heritage data as research data with our 3rd 4Culture-Barcamp on Digitization. This year, we will be joined by our sister consortium NFDI4Objects, which will enrich the barcamp with its expertise specifically on documenting and collecting material heritage.
The aim of this year's Barcamp is to show the diversity of the 3D research data world and its evaluation possibilities in order to derive a systematic overview. This can form the basis for a clearer description of the requirements for the management of 3D data as research data.
We would like to explore with you the questions of what qualifies 3D data as research data, where 3D research data as such is already being used, which further scenarios are conceivable, and what this means in conclusion for 3D digitization. The focus will continue to be on how 3D data can be used for one's own research and made available to external researchers. The topics are diverse and can range from the requirements of digitized data for morphometric comparison to scenarios for their systematic indexing in institutional or generic data repositories. The knowledge is with you, in the digitization and 3D community. As always, this is your opportunity to have your say!
The purpose of this barcamp is to initiate an exchange, network, and come to new insights together. Bring your experiences and thoughts on the topic. Likewise, projects can be presented here and like-minded people can be found. All ideas are welcome!
We look forward to seeing you,
Your Orga-Team
of NFDI4Culture<> (Task Area Digitization and Enrichment) und NFDI4Objects<> (Task Area Documentation)
Who is this event for?
Interested people with no previous knowledge up to experts in the field of 3D digitization and analysis.
Researchers, curators and restorers, especially in museums and collections, and everyone else.
To data providers, professional digitizers and re-users.
To research projects in the making to completed projects with a wealth of practical experience.
To users and practitioners in the field of 3D, AR/VR, photogrammetry, laser scanning, computed tomography and others.
To those interested in the fields of art history and archaeology, but also to all others.
The event will take place via Zoom. Participation is free of charge. We ask for registration via The link to the Zoom room will be sent to all registered participants in time before the event.
We will be happy to help you with any questions you may have and would appreciate a short message to coordination-office(at)nfdi4culture(dot)de.
We would also be very happy if you would forward the event announcement to your peer groups, professional associations and circles.
About the event
All relevant information and the preliminary program can be found on our Barcamp page .
The framework program will be held in German, individual sessions of the Barcamp can also be arranged in other languages.
Session proposals can be submitted in advance on the barcamp portal ( ) or alternatively on the day of the barcamp directly during the event. Those who do not want to submit their own topics are always invited to join the proposed sessions and actively participate there.
What is 3D in cultural heritage about, what is a barcamp and how does this go together?
For those interested without prior knowledge, the explanatory video "3D-Objekte. Das kulturelle Erbe virtuell<>" which provides a basic explanation of what a 3D digital object is, how it is created, what should be considered when making it, why 3D objects are useful for science, and how they help explore and preserve cultural heritage.
A brief introduction to barcamps can be found in the following video:
For an impression of what a barcamp in the field of cultural data can look like, the results and sessions of our two previous years' barcamps can be found here: 4Culture Barcamp 2021 <…> -<> Digitalisierung für die Wissenschaft<…> and 4CultureBarcamp 2022 - 3D and Cultural Heritage<>
NFDI4Culture Coordination Office
Katja Sternitzke | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
NFDI4Culture - Konsortium für Forschungsdaten zu materiellen und immateriellen Kulturgütern
E-Mail: coordination-office(a)<>
- - - - - - - - - -
Prof. Dr. Felix F. Schäfer
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Hauptverwaltung - Abteilung IV (CIO)
Referent SPK-Lab
Von-der-Heydt-Str. 16-18
10785 Berlin
Von-der-Heydt-Str. 16-18
10785 Berlin
Fon: +49 151 11606406
Im Rahmen der E-Mail-Kommunikation werden gegebenenfalls personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet. Unsere Hinweise zum Datenschutz finden Sie hier:
Hello everyone!
It is a pleasure for Wikimedistas Uruguay to host the next edition of the
GLAM Wiki Conference: the conference on Culture, Heritage and Wikimedia,
which will take place on November 16-18, 2023 at the Faculty of Information
and Communication of the University of the Republic, located in Montevideo.
The scholarship application is now open. To apply, you need to complete an
application form by June 30, 2023, at the end of the day in your country.
Read more on Diff about the GLAM Wiki Conference, how to apply, and what
we'll be doing during those three days:…
Evelin Heidel
Wikimedistas de Uruguay
Dear all,
Apologies for cross-posting. I'm a final year student taking the Archives and Records Management course at UCL. As part of my dissertation I have created a survey asking about the practice of and attitudes toward Rapid Response collecting in the context of UK archives.
The survey, which will take no more than 15 minutes to complete, can be completed by employees within UK archives and will ask about:
- Your understanding of the term Rapid Response collecting
- If and how you have implemented a Rapid Response collections policy
- Your anticipation of the challenges and benefits posed by a Rapid Response collections policy both in your organisation and the wider UK archival sector.
- How Rapid Response collecting may benefit your audience.
Your taking part in this project will be kept confidential. No personal details are required for the survey to be submitted, nor will you be asked to share the identity of the organisation you work for. You will be asked to define the type of archival organisation you work for by choosing from a list.
When the results of the study are reported, it is possible that we will wish to use quotes from the survey to support our findings. These quotes will be contextualised with other information provided in the survey such as length of career or type of archive. Should you wish to provide more specific information about organisation you work for this will be redacted from any quotes.
Thank you for your consideration. Should you have any questions or wish to see a more detailed information sheet, please don’t hesitate to contact me on uczcbry(a)
The survey can be found here:
Many thanks,
Emily Brydges-Almosawi
Paper Submission Due: 30th July 2023
Please Submit Your Paper […]
10th IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data
Engineering 2023 (IEEE CSDE 2023)
04-06th December 2023 || Shangri-La Fijian Resort, Yanuca Island, Fiji
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS), USA
Conference URL:…
Dear Colleagues
Greetings from IEEE CSDE 2023!
This year 10th IEEE CSDE 2023, The Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer
Science and Data Engineering 2023 will be held in the natural paradise
Fiji. IEEE CSDE 2023 will feature both invited and contributed papers.
Papers that are accepted and presented at the Conference will be
submitted to IEEE Xplore and will be included in the IEEE Xplore
digital library and hence indexed in SCOPUS.
Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original
research. Areas of interest are included in the conference site but
are not limited.
CONFERENCE DATE: 04-06th December 2023
The Conference is hosted and sponsored by the IEEE, IEEE Computer
Society, The University of Fiji, Fiji, The University of the South
Pacific, Fiji; CQUniversity, Australia; Massy University, New Zealand
and NPS Australia.
Cutting-edge researchers in the field will be presenting their works
during a three-day program including features tutorials and technical
sessions on theory, analysis, design, testing, and advances within the
field of Computer & Data Science and Engineering.
Scholarships are offered for students to cover the cost of attending
the conference and reduced registration fees apply to delegates from
UN least developed countries.
You are requested to submit your research paper to IEEE CSDE 2023.
Kind regards
Associate Professor Anuradha Mathrani
Technical Program Chair, IEEE CSDE 2023
Massey University, New Zealand
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