Hello all,
I recently read the "Report for offline concepts in India 2017"⁽¹⁾. It was interesting and being an Indian myself I wanted to share a few thoughts regarding it. As a side note I would like to state that, I get excited about offline features a lot and would love to help with features related to it.
Wiki later ---------- Of the three prototypes I liked the "Wiki later" one, too. I guess it's because it adds functionality that most users have experience with and not requiring them to learn something new.
Flash card ---------- The "Flash card" prototype was good but would have been better if it used more consistent wordings like "Download article summary (JPG 15KB)". It would have been even better, as stated in the report, if the option for downloading was through an icon that stayed with the "Edit icon" below the article title. I guess that's because people prefer to find page related actions in a single place.
Saved pages ----------- I'm not sure how it works, I guess this one seems to be using browser storage to save pages. If it does, then there seems to be an implicit assumption dependency on the browser in which the user views the pages which I guess isn't a good idea for a variety of reasons, * If an user uninstalls a browser(or clears the data of the browser if it's an android device, for that matter) some time in future then he has to kiss good bye to the pages he has saved (this doesn't sound good) * No possibility to share the saved page with other users to allow them to read it offline.
It stands as a good candidate for a user enabled preference, though.
Landing page ------------ It's a great idea to show a landing page with the new features in absence of which the feature may go unrecognized.
Wish list --------- I loved the following in the wish list, * Tour guide * Hyperlinks in PDF
Hope this helps!
Links ----- (1) : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Report_for_of fline_concepts_in_India_2017.pdf
Note ---- It would have been nice if the link to the recording in the references section was an actual link. Not a big issue, though.
Quote ----- "The most valuable person on any team is the person who makes everyone else on the team more valuable"
-- Regards, Kaartic Sivaraam kaarticsivaraam91196@gmail.com