*The Wikipedia Library* is an open research hub, a place for organizing our amazing community of research and reference experts to collaborate and help improve the encyclopedia.
We are working together towards 5 big goals: *Connect editors with their local library and freely accessible resources *Partner to provide free '''access to paywalled publications''', databases, universities, and libraries *Build relationships among our community of editors, libraries, and librarians *Facilitate research for Wikipedians, helping editors to find and use sources *Promote broader open access in publishing and research
Sign up to receive announcements and news about resource donations and partnerships: ' http://enwp.org/WP:The_Wikipedia_Library/Newsletter/Recipientshttp://enwp.org/WP::The_Wikipedia_Library/Newsletter/Recipients
Come and create a profile, and see how we can leverage your talent, expertise, and dedication: http://enwp.org/WP:The_Wikipedia_Library#Participants
There are numerous ways to get involved--project management, institutional outreach, research assistance, community organizing, library help, tool-building, graphic design--we'll find a path that best uses your strengths.
Hope to see you there.