Hi all,
Sending along the invite below in case you're in the area.
Best, Jane
Please join us at a special art and technology event in New York City View this email in your browser http://mailchi.mp/2cbe169520f1/artists-in-conversation-on-collaboration-community-and-creative-commons-oct-18-with-rhizome?e=351f32261f [image: logo-rhizome-cc-new-inc]
Dear friend,
You are cordially invited to join Creative Commons and Rhizome for an evening of drinks and conversation on Wed, October 18 at New Inc. http://creativecommons.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4051250396fe81f55034e2d49&id=f116301acb&e=351f32261f, the New Museum’s incubator for art, technology, and design.
Sharing work into the ether carries little meaning unless it leads to real, human connections. But finding ways to meaningfully engage and collaborate with other people online can be surprisingly challenging. Creative Commons and Rhizome join forces to figure out what can be done to design for and facilitate behavior that is prosocial -- that is, behavior that leads to positive, productive interactions.
Prosocial behavior hinges on seeing the humanity in those with whom we interact. How do we humanize people we communicate with online? How do we slow down enough to act deliberately and with care? How do we infuse more accountability and appreciation into digital spaces?
These questions apply to everyone with a digital life, but for this conversation, we are interested in the role artists, designers, and arts organizations can play to help craft online spaces that foster prosocial behavior -- especially those that bridge one’s digital life with the physical.
Invited artists include:
- Caroline Sinders http://creativecommons.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4051250396fe81f55034e2d49&id=c6fbc08cb1&e=351f32261f, Digital Artist, BuzzFeed/Eyebeam Open Labs Fellow, Anti-harassment researcher at Wikipedia - Michael Mandiberg http://creativecommons.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4051250396fe81f55034e2d49&id=bfdf4d468c&e=351f32261f, Artist working at the intersection of technology and social change, Professor of Media Culture at the College of Staten Island/CUNY, Co-founder of the Art+Feminism Wikipedia
As space is limited, we request your RSVP before October 13
We hope to see you there.
Zachary Kaplan, Executive Director at Rhizome Jane Park, Director of Platforms & Partnerships at Creative Commons *Our mailing address is:* Creative Commons PO Box 1866 Mountain View, CA 94042
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