Hey all, in case you haven't seen yet, School of Open launched its first set of courses today, http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/37179.
The one of interest to this community is one developed by Maarten Zeinstra and his network over at Kennisland/CC Netherlands/Wikimedia:
*Open data for GLAMs https://p2pu.org/nl/groups/open-glam/* (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) – This course is for professionals in cultural institutions who are interested in opening up their data as open culture data. It will guide you through the different steps towards open data and provide you with extensive background information on how to handle copyright and other possible issues.
And more at http://schoolofopen.org/.
How can we spread the word to GLAM practitioners and enable to them to take advantage of these resources?
Best, Jane