Thanks Karsten!
There's definitely a need it for those ideas and the code to go along with making it happen.
On Apr 16, 2017, at 10:03 AM, [[kgh]] wrote:
every time I add Forground to a new wiki the question arises on how to adapt to the new wikis planned identity, i.e. it's look and feel.
I have become a bit tired of looking for a wiki that implemented something I have in mind. Thus I changed the Customization page [0] to show a gallery of ideas and when you click on the images you get to the respective CSS you can use to adapt your wiki.
I would very much welcome other to share their adaptations together with a screenshot on this page too. I know you have done pretty cools stuff on your wikis however I am unable to find it.
This would help us all in avoiding to reinvent the wheel so please participate.
Cheers Karsten
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