Hey Everyone
I just wanted to let the members of this list know, Foreground is getting
ready to release version 2.1.0. I know most of you have been using alpha or
beta of either 2.0 or 2.1 (or some variation). If you are using v1.x please
read the release page carefully. I have added in the changes introduced in
v2.x which have backwards compatibility breaks with all those who may still
be using Foreground v1.x.
The release candidate page is here:
You can download the files to install. If you are using Git on you server(or
dev server), just pull down the changes to the develop branch or fetch and
checkout the v2.1.0-rc1 tag.
Testers are appreciated greatly. If there are any issues with rc1 please
open an issue. I would like to finalize this release by 2/18. It is already
being tested on https://foreground.wikiproject.net but more testers are
really appreciated.
Thanks for using Foreground!
Ah, that’s outputted by mediawiki automatically because it is appended to the $bodyContent. Not sure why Google would zero in on that. It is hidden by default, even on MediaWiki.org. Perhaps more content on page or a hook to add a meta description tag for main page.
Not sure that can be controlled because it is appended in the SkinTemplate class automatically. Would be a good question as to why there’s no control.
First answer I just did a search on your domain and saw this...in English search.
Checking more with site: in Google everything looks good.
> On Feb 13, 2018, at 1:20 PM, Vivian Epiney <epiney(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Tom for your nice and developed answer.
> The problem is that the content Google sucked up IS in the source code of the front page (lines 149-150) :
> <div class="printfooter">
> Récupérée de « <a dir="ltr" href="https://dicoado.org:443/wiki/index.php?title=Dico:Accueil&oldid=13235">https://dicoado.org:443/wiki/index.php?title=Dico:Accueil&oldid=13235</a> »</div>
> So robots.txt policies and sitemaps (which I already use) won't help.
> Any idea how to "delete" these lines ?
> Best regards.
> Vivian
> 2018-02-13 18:55 GMT+01:00 Tom Hutchison <tom(a)hutch4.us>:
>> Hi Vivian
>> This is not a Foreground issue. You need to take control of robots indexing your site. Google is greedy and will index everything it can! This would include, history pages, diffs, old versions, etc… Basically, anything and everything it can crawl on your site with a link.
>> Please read[0] and consider using the Sitemap Generator[1]. You will need to specify what pages are good content to index in the sitemap too[2][3][4]. Probably of interest is this[4].
>> Tom
>> [0] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Robots.txt
>> [1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:GenerateSitemap.php
>> [2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgSitemapNamespaces
>> [3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgSitemapNamespacesPriorities
>> [4] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgDefaultRobotPolicy
>> From: Foreground [mailto:foreground-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of epiney(a)gmail.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 10:20 AM
>> To: foreground(a)lists.wikimedia.org
>> Subject: [Foreground] Front page shows footer as content
>> Hello,
>> Any idea why the front page of my website https://dicoado.org/dico/Dico:Accueil is shown as
>> "Récupérée de « https://dicoado.org:443/wiki/index.php?title=Dico:Accueil&oldid=13219 ». Contenu disponible sous licence CC BY-SA 4.0. Contributeurs · À propos du Dico des Ados · Aide. "
>> on google.com results ?
>> It seems like it's a part of the footer that isn't (partly) even visible for users.
>> Not sure it's a foreground issue but not sure it isn't either ! :)
>> Thanks for your feedback.
>> Vivian
>> _______________________________________________
>> Foreground mailing list
>> Foreground(a)lists.wikimedia.org
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/foreground
Any idea why the front page of my website https://dicoado.org/dico/
Dico:Accueil is shown as
"Récupérée de « https://*dicoado*.org:443/wiki/index.php?title=Dico:Accueil&
oldid=13219 ». Contenu disponible sous licence CC BY-SA 4.0. Contributeurs
· À propos du Dico des Ados · Aide. "
on google.com results ?
It seems like it's a part of the footer that isn't (partly) even visible
for users.
Not sure it's a foreground issue but not sure it isn't either ! :)
Thanks for your feedback.