Community Wishathon is coming next month: March 15th-17th, 2024! So far, 78 participants have signed up to attend this online event since its first announcement in December 2023 🎉
You can check out the project ideas and schedule on the event page at < https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event:WishathonMarch2024%3E. These ideas come from the wishes people share in Community Wishlist Survey < https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey%3E. If you're a user, developer, designer, or product lead, you are welcome to join! You can sign up for the event on the wiki page and add your name, time zone, and preferred contact method to a project by *February 15th, 2024*.
Before the event, you can learn about the projects and connect with others who are interested. You can contact them using their preferred contact method and consider forming project groups on Telegram.
During the event, there will be an opening session to introduce the event and project ideas, async time for working on projects, self-organized virtual project group meetings, and a showcase ceremony to share what each group accomplished during the event. If you want to help with the event or have questions, let us know on the event's talk page.
Cheers, Srishti
On behalf of the Wishathon organizing committee
*Srishti Sethi* Senior Developer Advocate Wikimedia Foundation https://wikimediafoundation.org/