I can see already that trying to migrate to this new toolforge-jobs framework is going to be a long and winding road.
First of all, the documentation on "choosing the execution runtime" leaves much to be desired. There is a list of 23 available runtimes to choose from, but no guidance on how to choose, except what one can guess from the names.
From my initial attempts, I have determined that the default "tf-bullseye-std" runtime does not have python3 available, so it is not suitable for running python-based tools (including Pywikibot). The "tf-python39" runtime does not have php available. But I have some jobs that run _both_ python3 and php scripts. Is there any runtime that will accommodate this?
Also, it is not possible to load Pywikibot in the tf-python39 runtime because a required module (requests, from https://python-requests.org) is not available. What is the process for requesting (no pun intended) that this (or any other resource) be added to the image?