The Analytics team would like to announce that we have now in Wikistats2 metrics available for what we are calling (for the lack of a better name) "project families". That is, "all wikipedias", "all wikibooks"..etc
See, for example, bytes added by users to all wikibooks in the last month: https://stats.wikimedia.org/v2/#/all-wikibooks-projects/content/net-bytes-di...
And "all wikibooks top editors" [2]:
Not all metrics are available per project, most notably we (yet) do not have pageviews. As always please file bugs [2] if you find any, and let us know what can we do better.
[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Wikistats_metrics/Top_editors [2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/edit/?title=Wikistats%20Bug...
On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 11:40 AM Nuria Ruiz nuria@wikimedia.org wrote:
The Analytics team would like to announce that we have now in Wikistats2 metrics available for what we are calling (for the lack of a better name) "project families". That is, "all wikipedias", "all wikibooks"..etc
See, for example, bytes added by users to all wikibooks in the last month: https://stats.wikimedia.org/v2/#/all-wikibooks-projects/content/net-bytes-di...
Thanks! I really missed this one each time I prepared a presentation in the past months. Great to have it there. :)