Please join the Analytics Engineering team for...
Office Hours: EventLogging & Dashboarding
Hosts: Dan and Nuria
Date: January 14
Time: 20:00 UTC - Convert to Local Time
IRC: #wikimedia-analytics
Description: Teams need metrics on how their product or feature is performing, then they need to visualize those metrics. This is accomplished with instrumenting code with EventLogging, mashing data with some queries and setting up a Limn Dashboard. The Analytics Engineering team is open for office hours to answer questions about the process, help solve any issues and listen to feedback on the process. Feel free to drop in the Goolge Hangout linked above or ask questions on the IRC channel during our Office Hours.
Reminder, the Analytics Engineering team has office hours Wednesday next week to assist with EventLogging and Dashboards. If you're at the San Francisco office, you can join us in room R35 Chambers.
If you have any questions about the event, let me know. Thanks!
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Kevin Leduc wrote:
Please join the Analytics Engineering team for...
Office Hours: EventLogging & Dashboarding
Hosts: Dan and Nuria
Date: January 14
Time: 20:00 UTC - Convert to Local Time
IRC: #wikimedia-analytics
Description: Teams need metrics on how their product or feature is performing, then they need to visualize those metrics. This is accomplished with instrumenting code with EventLogging, mashing data with some queries and setting up a Limn Dashboard. The Analytics Engineering team is open for office hours to answer questions about the process, help solve any issues and listen to feedback on the process. Feel free to drop in the Goolge Hangout linked above or ask questions on the IRC channel during our Office Hours.
Are we talking about limn dashboards or will this cover other dashboarding tools as well?
On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 11:11 PM, Kevin Leduc wrote:
Reminder, the Analytics Engineering team has office hours Wednesday next week to assist with EventLogging and Dashboards. If you're at the San Francisco office, you can join us in room R35 Chambers.
If you have any questions about the event, let me know. Thanks!
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Kevin Leduc wrote:
Please join the Analytics Engineering team for...
Office Hours: EventLogging & Dashboarding
Hosts: Dan and Nuria
Date: January 14
Time: 20:00 UTC - Convert to Local Time
IRC: #wikimedia-analytics
Description: Teams need metrics on how their product or feature is performing, then they need to visualize those metrics. This is accomplished with instrumenting code with EventLogging, mashing data with some queries and setting up a Limn Dashboard. The Analytics Engineering team is open for office hours to answer questions about the process, help solve any issues and listen to feedback on the process. Feel free to drop in the Goolge Hangout linked above or ask questions on the IRC channel during our Office Hours.
Analytics mailing list
We will talk about Limn dashboards only.
On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Gilles Dubuc wrote:
Are we talking about limn dashboards or will this cover other dashboarding tools as well?
On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 11:11 PM, Kevin Leduc wrote:
Reminder, the Analytics Engineering team has office hours Wednesday next week to assist with EventLogging and Dashboards. If you're at the San Francisco office, you can join us in room R35 Chambers.
If you have any questions about the event, let me know. Thanks!
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Kevin Leduc wrote:
Please join the Analytics Engineering team for...
Office Hours: EventLogging & Dashboarding
Hosts: Dan and Nuria
Date: January 14
Time: 20:00 UTC - Convert to Local Time
IRC: #wikimedia-analytics
Description: Teams need metrics on how their product or feature is performing, then they need to visualize those metrics. This is accomplished with instrumenting code with EventLogging, mashing data with some queries and setting up a Limn Dashboard. The Analytics Engineering team is open for office hours to answer questions about the process, help solve any issues and listen to feedback on the process. Feel free to drop in the Goolge Hangout linked above or ask questions on the IRC channel during our Office Hours.
Analytics mailing list
Analytics mailing list
Analytics Office Hours starts in 1 hour. Bring your questions, issues, thoughts on EventLogging and Limn Dashboards directly to the team responsible for it.
To start a conversation with us, join the IRC channel #wikimedia-analytics and say Hello. We’ll be standing by to talk and answer any questions. We can invite you to our google hangout if needed once the conversation started on IRC.
For those of you in the San Francisco office, we have reserved R37 Chambers if you want to join me there.
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Kevin Leduc wrote:
Please join the Analytics Engineering team for...
Office Hours: EventLogging & Dashboarding
Hosts: Dan and Nuria
Date: January 14
Time: 20:00 UTC - Convert to Local Time
IRC: #wikimedia-analytics
Description: Teams need metrics on how their product or feature is performing, then they need to visualize those metrics. This is accomplished with instrumenting code with EventLogging, mashing data with some queries and setting up a Limn Dashboard. The Analytics Engineering team is open for office hours to answer questions about the process, help solve any issues and listen to feedback on the process. Feel free to drop in the Goolge Hangout linked above or ask questions on the IRC channel during our Office Hours.