Yesterday's sprint demo concluded the second sprint of the "Self-Serve Observational Analytics" Release. The goal of this release is to schedule features that will empower end-users to interact independently with the Analytics toolset.
Apologies for cross-posting; ideally you should receive this on the Analytics Mailinglist so we can have one focal point for conversation. If you are not on the Analytics list then please subscribe at https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/analytics
## Defects & Features completed (Ready for Showcase/Shipping/Done) during Sprint ending 2013-04-17 ##
#510 I - Upgrade Emery to Precise (8) Done requested by Analytics & Ops #513 I - Migrate UserMetrics API to Gerrit (N/E) Done requested by Analytics #559 I - Debianization of python-jsonschema package (N/E) Done requested by E3/Ori #560 I - Debianization of python-voluptuous package (N/E) Done requested by Platform/Hashar #561 I - Debianization of python-statsd package (N/E) Done requested by Platform/Hashar #572 D - Sudden drop in pageviews (N/E) Done requested by Community #60 D - Mobile pageview requests reporting in Wikistats (N/E) Ready for Showcase requested by Mobile/Tomasz #408 F - Import of 1:1000 All-traffic Stream into HDFS (N/E) Ready for Showcase requested by Analytics #539 D - Error Saving an Ad-Hoc Datasource (N/E) Ready for Showcase requested by Community/Dan #61 F - Mobile Site Pageviews by Device Class (N/E) Ready for Showcase requested by Mobile/Tomasz #95 F - Create chart through GUI (13) Ready for Showcase requested by Grants&Programs/Jessie #497 I - Setup Kraken puppetmaster in Labs (3) Ready for Showcase requested by Ops & Analytics #569 F - Pageviews metrics for Hebrew and Ukrainian wikivoyage (N/E) Ready for Showcase requested by Community
## Planned for Showcase on 2013-04-24 ##
#92 F - Pageview metrics report for Official WMF Mobile Apps (5) requested by Mobile/Tomsz #131 I - Puppetize Kafka 0.7 (8) Coding requested by Analytics & Ops #240 F - Session Analysis of Mobile Site Visits by Mode (8) requested by Mobile/Maryana #244 F - Track user adoption of Wikipedia Zero (N/E) requested by Wikipedia Zero/Amit #518 I - Setup SSL for User Metrics (3)
## Current Sprint (ending 2013-04-24) ##
Stories in progress from last sprint: #92 F - Pageview metrics report for Official WMF Mobile Apps (5) Queued for Dev (bumped back from Coding) requested by Mobile/Tomasz #148 I - Network ACL (N/E) BLOCKED requested by Ops/Mark #131 I - Puppetize Kafka 0.7 (8) Coding requested by Analytics & Ops #240 F - Session Analysis of Mobile Site Visits by Mode (8) Coding requested by Mobile/Maryana #244 F - Track user adoption of Wikipedia Zero (N/E) Testing requested by Wikipedia Zero/Amit
New stories #134 I - Puppetize Hadoop CDH4 (13) #388 F - Admin defines new static cohort by uploading CSV (5) #518 I - Setup SSL for User Metrics (3) #570 I - Local dev env for User Metrics (8) Queued for Dev #96 F - Save-As existing chart (1) #353 S - Wikistats - mobile country report et al. (N/E) #540 S - Look into potential implementations of job status in User Metrics API #541 S - Options to productionize Snuggle (Number in parentheses) = estimate of complexity N/E = not estimated;
F = Feature D = Defect I = Infrastructure Task S = Spike
Any mingle card can be accessed using the base url https://mingle.corp.wikimedia.org/projects/analytics/cards/XYZ where XYZ is the Mingle card id.
If you have any questions, comments or feedback: please let us know!
Best, Diederik