Unfortunately I've been moved from R&D, and don't have the time to answer endless "just one more thing..." questions.
I have to admit that if you're not interested in doing QA, then the thread's subject of “final pageviews QA” mislead me. I adjusted accordingly.
Gentlemen, gentlemen :) I love you both, I think this is a syntax confusion. I believe what was meant was "final QA" as in Oliver's last QA of this data before he can focus more fully on his new role. Not "final QA" as in the last time the pageview definition needs to be QA-ed. I think the pageview definition will cease needing QA when our site stops changing, at which point we'll have more problems than the pageview definition :)
So the new title is more correct regardless, hear hear for the ever more correct pageview definition! May it yardstick-ize many yards.