On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 12:11:17PM +0200, Mark Bergsma wrote:
Disabling SSL 3.0 could break SSL completely for something in the order of 1.5% of HTML page requests, according to http://stats.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/squids/SquidReportClients.htm Perhaps the Analytics team could do some additional, specific investigation on this to aid this decision?
Of all https requests, ~0.10% come from IE <=6. Of all https requests that respond with text/html, ~0.74% come from IE <=6.
Have fun, Christian
P.S.: In case you want to verify, I used /a/squid/archive/sampled/sampled-1000.tsv.log-20141015.gz filtered to requests that come from an ssl termintator and used ua-parser 1.3.0 to identify User-Agents.
Since we're only interested in ratios, a recent 24h period seemed sufficient.