Hi Analytics,
Just as a follow-up to my previous email, I downloaded all the files for 2015-02-01 and found that the total is 4245. However, the stats.grok.se page (http://stats.grok.se/json/en/201502/Main_page) lists their findings as 13160432.
Would appreciate any pointers on this!
Best regards,
On 28 February 2015 at 15:14, Matthew Ruttley ruttleym@googlemail.com wrote:
Hi Analytics,
I've been digging through some of the wiki page count files and found some strange results. In several files, the Main_page visit count is vastly lower than expected:
mruttley$ cat pagecounts-20141101-170000 | grep "^en Main_page"
en Main_page 260 6202982
mruttley$ cat pagecounts-20150201-170000 | grep "^en Main_page"
en Main_page 200 4802139
Only 260 and 200 page views!
What do you reckon? Am I doing it wrong?
Best regards,