Hey folks,
We've been discussing ways to make more Wikimedia data public. One of our sources for data is EventLogging (EL)[1], a system that lets us track events on both the client and server-side. Recently, YuviPanda and springle have been working with us to figure out what issues need to be resolved in order to begin loading EL events that contain public data[2] into LabsDB for public consumption and for use in WikiMetrics.
It looks like there are three major concerns about directing EL to LabsDB. (1) there needs to be a good review process in place to make sure that the data we surface isn't sensitive, (2) https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67450 will need to be addressed to make sure that we don't over-utilize labs infrastructure and (3) we'll need signoff from legal.
It looks like (2) can be taken care of independently from (1) and (3). Is this bug already prioritized, and if not, could it be?
1. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EventLogging 2. Eventually, we'll want a means to sanitize and surface events that contain sensitive information, but I'd argue that is a second step that we should address later since it will likely require more substantial technical work.