suggests to me a fundamental lack of literacy among the users surveyed about what data that browsers pass with HTTP requests.
Of course. Do you expect the average user to know what http is or what is a 'request'? Likely not, it is a technical topic that you do not need to be familiar with to effectively use your smartphone/computer.
In more practical terms and looking at the goals of our team for next quarter we do not have any near term plans to develop an specific opt-out ui/ux and standard in the next 3 months thus I think proceeding with DNT as an intermediate solution as outlined by leila earlier on in the thread is aceptable. Like anything we do we can iterate, change, expand as needed in the future.
On Jan 16, 2015, at 8:43 PM, Dario Taraborelli wrote:
suggests to me a fundamental lack of literacy among the users surveyed about what data that browsers pass with HTTP requests.