Sorry, forgot the list of projects at Gerrit, pasted now below for convenience.
On 10/22/2012 02:39 PM, Quim Gil wrote:
Hi, these days I'm polishing the presence of the Wikimedia Foundation at in order to help promoting all the cool open suce projects we are developing.
The Analytics team has a nice section in Gerrit including many projects (see below). How would you prefer to have this reflected in Ohloh?
a) All repos under a generic Wikimedia Analytics project.
b) A few remarkable projects on its own (e.g. reportcard, gerrit-stats...) and the rest under a common umbrella.
c) Each repo has its own project.
Option A is easier to implement but offers less level of detail. Option C might add too much fragmentation if there are many tiny and not so relevant projects. I can go for the option you prefer.
Also let me know if there are repos not worth of listing in Ohloh e.g. internal stuff, playgrounds, data only repos interesting only for WMF dudes...
Thank you!
analytics All WMF Analytics projects. analytics/DeviceMapLogCapture Repo for Apache DeviceMap project to collect data on mobile device capabilities. analytics/E3Analysis analytics/asana-stats Automatically generate status updates for email and wikis from Asana. analytics/check-stats analytics/editor-geocoding Geocoding of editors for Global Dev. analytics/gerrit-stats Collecting code review metrics analytics/gerrit-stats/data Gerrit stats data for Wikimedia repositories. analytics/glass analytics/global-dev/dashboard analytics/global-dev/dashboard-data analytics/global-dev/misc analytics/global-dev/reportcard analytics/global-dev/sqproc analytics/graphkit IGNORE THIS REPO analytics/libanon libanon - library of reusable anonymization functions. analytics/packages/thrift This repository has been abandoned in favor of analytics/reportcard The Reportcard website, built using the Limn framework. analytics/reportcard/data Repo containing all reportcard datasets. analytics/reportcard/old-pipeline Old data processing pipeline tools. Inactive. analytics/tools/kripke Tools, configuration, and other miscellany belonging to kripke. analytics/udp-filters The repository for the UDP log filters that are running on locke, emery, and oxygen. analytics/udplog udp2log and custom filters. udp2log listens for udp traffic and sends any received text to file or pipe child processes for additional processing. analytics/webstatscollector Source code for hourly collected pageviews that are published at analytics/wikistats Source code for