forwarding to the proper list, analytics-internal(a) should be
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Otto <aotto(a)>
Date: Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 8:42 AM
Subject: Stand up today
To: Analytics Team - Internal <analytics-internal(a)>
Ah! The VA DMV is inconveniencing me! :)
My newused car needs to be registered. I mailed in the forms 3 weeks ago
hoping to have it all settled by now. It isn't, so I have to go to the DMV
to figure out why. They haven't been open due to holidays, and I thought
they opened at 8am, but they don't open til 9am.
And my mobile hotspot seems to be broken! :( I will most likely miss stand
up today while I figure this out.
Also, this means I'm not back in Brooklyn yet as I had intended. I
accidentally took last Friday as a vacation day, but didn't need to. So I'm
not sure what's happening yet, but I will probably need to drive back up
today or tomorrow. I worked a few hours this weekend, and if I need to
drive during work hours ill just use up that vacation day I took.
Anyway, update!
- varnishkafka deb approved, however faidon wants me to merge in one last
change from Magnus to support some logging change for W0.
- varnishkafka mobile puppetization is approved too.
- the above two together means I am no longer blocked on others for
varnishkafka deployment. I'd like to deploy to a mobile host or two this
- logster .deb has been approved. This means I can puppetize varnishkafka
ganglia stats and subsequently icings alerts. Dan, I need a little help w
python classpath things, something isn't making sense.
- python-Kafka .deb approved. Ori wanted thus for event logging-Kafka
support. I need to put this .deb into apt for him.
- lots of discussion about how to deal with cross dc latency. Magnus has
convinced faidon to let varnishkafka buffer up to 10G on disk if necessary.
Apparently this will help during short periods of packet loss and high late
latencies. He's still yet to code this though.
-I'm slated to help Nik turn elastic search back on today.
Happy post tg! Talk to y'all's later.