[Wikipedia-l] Re: sco/fiu-vro in danger..

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 5 12:01:41 UTC 2005

James D. Forrester a écrit:
> On Saturday, 4th June, 2005, at 22:28, David 'DJ' Hedley
> <spyders at btinternet.com> wrote:
>>Indeed, the amount of openly LGBT Wikipedians is interestingly high. I
>>don't know why Wikipedia is so appealing to homosexual contributors, but
>>it appears to be that it is. 
> I'm not entirely sure that this is anything more than a combination of two
> factors; firstly, that people are likely to feel much less intimidated into
> concealing their 'defects' [0], and so be more open about themselves; and,
> secondly, the high-tech world in general and on-line communities in
> particular do tend [1] to attract a rather larger proportion in population
> of non-"heteronormative" [2]. It has been theorised [3] that this may be due
> to a greater level of emotional and general 'intelligence' required to
> access social networks of this type, which means that such people are more
> likely to be able to think of themselves as different. Personally, I'm not
> so sure about this, and the former seems more of a 'goer'.
> [0] - In their own fears of others' opinions.
> [1] - Or, rather, used to, in days of yore when usenet was a blessèd place
>       of tranquility. Umm. :-)
> [2] - Oh, ye gods, how I detest that term.
> [3] - But quite possibly not by anyone encyclopædic. ;-)
> Yours,

I loved this mail :-)


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