[Wikipedia-l] Re: sco/fiu-vro in danger..

James D. Forrester james at jdforrester.org
Sat Jun 4 22:17:27 UTC 2005

On Saturday, 4th June, 2005, at 22:28, David 'DJ' Hedley
<spyders at btinternet.com> wrote:

> Indeed, the amount of openly LGBT Wikipedians is interestingly high. I
> don't know why Wikipedia is so appealing to homosexual contributors, but
> it appears to be that it is. 

I'm not entirely sure that this is anything more than a combination of two
factors; firstly, that people are likely to feel much less intimidated into
concealing their 'defects' [0], and so be more open about themselves; and,
secondly, the high-tech world in general and on-line communities in
particular do tend [1] to attract a rather larger proportion in population
of non-"heteronormative" [2]. It has been theorised [3] that this may be due
to a greater level of emotional and general 'intelligence' required to
access social networks of this type, which means that such people are more
likely to be able to think of themselves as different. Personally, I'm not
so sure about this, and the former seems more of a 'goer'.

[0] - In their own fears of others' opinions.
[1] - Or, rather, used to, in days of yore when usenet was a blessèd place
      of tranquility. Umm. :-)
[2] - Oh, ye gods, how I detest that term.
[3] - But quite possibly not by anyone encyclopædic. ;-)

James D. Forrester -- Wikimedia: [[W:en:User:Jdforrester|James F.]]

Mail: james at jdforrester.org | jon at eh.org | csvla at dcs.warwick.ac.uk
IM  : (MSN) jamesdforrester at hotmail.com

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