[Wikipedia-l] Honr. B. Carroll Reece, Tennessee

Adam Williamson aw280 at cam.ac.uk
Sat Sep 7 01:12:16 UTC 2002

On Sat, 2002-09-07 at 01:14, Helga Hecht wrote:

> While I looked Reece up on google, I came across information about the committee he worked on and text of an article 'Tax Exempt Subversion'
> http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/reeceart.htm
> This mentions the problems with the Communists infiltrating America and I would like to have someone read this and tell me, if any of this should be mentioned in wiki.

As a student of modern American history, i'd say this is an *extremely*
biased and unreliable source so far as American communism goes. Note
that the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee was one of the principal
organs of government responsible for the policy trend known as
"McCarthyism". The information on this page should not be considered
reliable and impartial in terms of writing about communism in America.
It would be somewhat valuable in terms of an article about Reece
himself, however.

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