[Wikisource-l] Proofreading

teak teak.wiki at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 14:42:15 UTC 2009

way to label those who do not agree with your ideas...

There is a need for a law on comparisons to "Orwellian" these days, a
la Godwin's.


On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:02 AM, Michael Jörgens
<joergens.mic at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Because nothing happened the last few days. I will draw a conclusion form
> our point of view
> We, from the german language wikisource want the following faults in the
> proofread extension patched.
> * IP-editing allowed, up to level 4: (ready). The reasons for that have been
> shown again from different views during the last postings. The obstuctions
> by the current iplementaion have been proven.
> * The possibility for setting every level as needed.  as above
> There is no problem to make this configurable by two variables. A good
> software programmer can implement
> this easily withour any faults and flaws. The two configuration variables
> should be on the level of common.js.
> If common.js  is protected as it shold be there is no missuse possible.
> By this way the community of a wiki can decide wether they want to live in
> an Orwell like wiki or in
> a wiki which is conform to the basic thinking of the wiki-idea.
> On the other hand
> The Orwellianer should prove that the integrity of the work has been ruined
> by vandaling IP's
> The Orwellianer should prove that the integrity of the work has been ruined
> by members setting the wrong state.
> In a good community we can trust in the work of the members.
> If they can prove that, we could start a new discussion based on the
> reality.
> Greetings
> jöergens.mi
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