[Wikisource-l] en.WP

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Fri Jun 15 17:12:16 UTC 2007

Birgitte SB wrote:

>The english Wikipedia continues it's downward spiral. 
>There is no accountability for administrators, I was
>even blocked last month without even being told I was
>doing anything wrong beforehand.  We really need to
>make certain the en.WP institutes a yearly
>re-confirmation process like we use at en.WS.  Their
>current policies cannot be allowed to continue. . .
I don't think that yearly re-confirmation will solve en.WP's problems.  
It might get rid of people who have had long absences, but they are not 
the ones causing the problems.  A rogue admin can do a lot of damage 
long before the time for his annual review comes up.  Wikisource is 
still small enough that you can see what admins are doing, and you can 
more easily deal with a rogue.  That doesn't scale very well in a larger 
project where there are entire sub-communities of rogues.


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