[Wikiquality-l] Wikipedia colored according to trust

John Erling Blad john.erling.blad at jeb.no
Fri Dec 21 19:31:18 UTC 2007

I think you misunderstand, its not about not flagging small changes. Its
about to high learning rate on small changes. When it is to high you can
simply run a spell checking bot for a few days to become an "expert".
You don't want this. You want someone who contribute a lot of text
without being reverted to become an expert. You probably also want to
analyse the form of the changes so a lot of small spell checkings is
weighted even less than correcting a year. Ie., changing from something
that is possibly an misspelling into something right is weighted less
than changing something correctly spelled into something else that is
also correctly spelled.
John E Blad

Luca de Alfaro skrev:
> If you want to pick out the malicious changes, you need to flag also
> small changes.
> "Sen. Hillary Clinton did *not* vote in favor of war in Iraq"
> "John Doe, born in *1947*"
> The ** indicates changes.
> I can very well make a system that is insensitive to small changes,
> but then the system would also be insensitive to many kinds of
> malicious tampering, and one of my goals was to make it hard for
> anyone to change without leaving at laest a minimal trace.
> So it's a matter of goals, really.
> Luca
> On Dec 21, 2007 10:01 AM, Jonathan Leybovich <jleybov at gmail.com
> <mailto:jleybov at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     One thing that stood out for me in the small sample of articles I
>     examined was the flagging of innocuous changes by casual users to
>     correct spelling, grammar, etc.  Thus a "nice-to-have" would be a
>     "smoothing" algorithm that ignores inconsequential changes such as
>     spelling corrections, etc. or the reordering of semantically-contained
>     units of text (for example, reordering the line items in a list w/o
>     changing the content of any particular line item, etc., or the
>     reordering of paragraphs and perhaps even sentences.)  I think this
>     would cover 90% or more of changes that are immaterial to an article's
>     credibility.
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