[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia-l RIP

Tim Starling tstarling at wikimedia.org
Thu Mar 13 06:55:38 UTC 2008

joyce wrote:
> I had even forgotten I had subscribed.
> No offense, but what  WAS wikipedia-l created to do?

Wikipedia-l was created on January 22, 2001, a week after the creation of 
the Wikipedia website. Its purpose was to provide a place for 
Wikipedia-specific discussions, as an alternative to the Nupedia list 
which was in use for Wikipedia-related discussions before that date.

Here is the archive of the first post:

Wikipedia-l was initially used for all discussions relating to Wikipedia, 
including technical and organisational issues. It has now been replaced by 
wikitech-l, wikien-l and foundation-l. Foundation-l did in fact take a 
while to catch on, but now that it has, wikipedia-l is left with no role. 
Even discussions which affect only the Wikipedia editions and not other 
Wikimedia projects today find their place on other lists.

I hope that Wikipedia-l will not be deleted, as nupedia-l was, so that the 
archives will remain easily accessible for people who are interested in 
Wikipedia's history.

-- Tim Starling

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