[Wikipedia-l] Be-x-old

Ihar Hrachyshka ihar.hrachyshka at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 06:41:48 UTC 2007

У Пят, 30/03/2007 у 09:22 +0300, Monk піша:
> Hi,
> > > You are an entity, yes, set out to destroy the existing Belarusian
> > > language and culture and replace it with your version -- okay, your
> > > right. But get yourself your own blessed language code for that.
> > Now, now. They may hate you because they think you're communists or
> > evil or whatever, but still, I wouldn't say they're out to _destroy
> > the existing Belarusian language and culture_. They just want to
> > modify it.
> Excuse me, Mark, but nobody hates "them" (those who prefer normative
> version), because everyone who prefers classical version understands
> that two versions should coexist and this is ok. But those who prefer
> norm version really hate, as we could clearly see in Yury's letters,
> because of lack of strength - they just don't have enough supporters
> in Belarus. I just don't understand, why they try to get support by
> hate, not by good.
You are wrong. Your supporters blame in LJ, forums, Meta that we are
communists and russifictors. Some people blame we are "pidors" and
"suki" in your community forum in LJ. Administrators of be-x-old that
are also administrators of that forum didn't delete such posts. And
after all of that we try to support your willing to restore your Wiki,
write here emails with supporting words, distribute info about
possibilities to help your status. Do you think it's a good state for
We do it not for people like I described here, but for people that can
think and shut their mouth if they are wrong.
PS: If I would know that all the contributors of be-x-old think the same
as I described then I wouldn't even say a word for your Wiki. Say "thank
you" for those who think twice before showing their negative emotions
and missculturness everywhere they could.
PSPS: possibly too rude, but I don't know how else I can make you here
our voice. So excuse me if something wrong.
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