[Wikipedia-l] [Foundation-l] Moldavian

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Tue Jan 30 21:02:06 UTC 2007


Gerard Meijssen wrote:
> Andre Engels schreef:
>>On the Moldavian Wikipedia it says for over a month "This wiki has been
>>closed for now." Is there any outlook on whether 'for now' means 'for ever'
>>or that it will be re-opened at some time? I am asking because I want to
>>know what to do with the interwiki for the bot. If the wiki is closed down
>>for good, I intend to remove them silently; if it will be opened up again
>>some time soon, I want to keep them in the same way as to 'normal'
> Hoi,
> The closure was done without the consent of the board. The language 

I think that part of the problem is that the mess exists *because* the
power-to-be (board, language committee, whatever...) let the situation
deteriorates untill it got unmanageable. I hope that we will learn from

> committee was asked to formulate an opinion, it is not of the opinion 
> that the current situation is good. We proposed that this wiki would be 
> reopened and that discussions would start on how the Moldovan and the 
> Romanian Wikipedia can work together. An essential part of the time 
> frame that will exist before this merger is that any vandalism will 
> result in a ban for all the projects that such a person is involved in.
> It is particularly the vandalism that made the huha around the Moldovan 
> Wikipedia so unpalatable.

An agreement has to be found *before* the project to re-open.
Some procedures, some admins / bureaucrats (I would suggest at least two
native speakers, one using Latin script and one using Cyrillic script)
and a mediation committee are needed before reopening.

I don't want to play Wikipedia task force again on a working project.

> Thanks,
>     GerardM


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