[Wikipedia-l] Total size of the Wikipedia (snapshot)?

Jon Noring jon at noring.name
Fri Jan 12 23:20:28 UTC 2007

I'm curious as to the size (in bytes) of the current Wikipedia.

That is, if one took a snapshot of the Wikipedia in web form (including
markup, images, multimedia, etc.), how large would it be? If the web
documents were compressed, then how large would it be? (This would not
include edit history information which I assume is substantial -- only
interested in a snapshot of the current pages.)

Referring to:


I see the following statistics:

Total text (no markup): 3 gigabytes (rough estimate)
Photos/illustrations: 726,000

I don't have a good feel for the size of a typical photo/illustration.
Assuming the display version (in jpeg) is typically 10 kbytes, then
the size would be approximate 7 gigabytes.

I also don't have a feel for what the text would compressed to
(including some sort of markup), but with added markup plus
compression, the overall size would remain the same, or maybe a little

So it looks like 10 gigabytes is a very rough estimate.

Am I anywhere close? Or am I forgetting something?


Jon Noring

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