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Sat Jan 6 13:53:56 UTC 2007



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<P>When I go to <A href=""></A>, I get the following error messages:</P>
<H1 class=pagetitle>Database error</H1>
<P class=subtitle>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 
<P>A database query syntax error has occurred. This could be because of an illegal search query (see <A class=internal title=Wikipedia:Searching href="">Searching Wikipedia</A>), or it may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: 
<BLOCKQUOTE><TT>SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY cur_id FROM cur WHERE cur_namespace=0 AND cur_title='Main_Page'</TT></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>from within function "<TT>LinkCache::addLink</TT>". MySQL returned error "<TT>1016: Can't open file: 'cur.MYD'. (errno: 145)</TT>". </P>
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