[Wikipedia-l] Quality vs Quantity

Ronald Chmara ron at Opus1.COM
Sat Apr 28 04:54:05 UTC 2007

On Apr 27, 2007, at 7:40 PM, Patrick Hall wrote:
> Hi,
> One observation that may be related to the rate of creation of new
> articles: the markup is becoming positively bewildering.

Example, please?

> In some ways it's harder than HTML -- just figuring out where the
> first paragraph is in the markup can be non-trivial.

I have not seen this kind of problem in articles. Templates, perhaps,  
but not articles. Maybe we need a template for {{excessivemarkup}} in  
articles? (and maybe template Talk pages?)

> I can't imagine what a brand new user's first impression is when they
> click "edit" for the first time... I suspect it's often something
> along the lines of "eek, I don't want to break this."

I have "broken" many a page in my day, if by "broken", someone means  
"shifted content around on the display level", (and to users with  
table-based page rendering, this can be a terrifying thing),  but the  
problem there, IMNSHO, is not the newbie user, it's broken CSS  
programming, and/or a fundamental misunderstanding of content vs.  


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