[Wikipedia-l] From Romanian Wikipedia, the Nazi Encyclopedia

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Apr 15 18:50:39 UTC 2007

John Kavalos wrote:

>There are some serious issues on Romanian Wikipedia, where a few Nazis
>have been taking over lots of articles, while the admins are
>supporting and defending them.
>I tried arguing, but it's useless with such a horde of freaks.
If you want to really deal with this you could begin by tempering your 
own language.  When you start using terms like "Nazis" and "freaks" 
before even starting to explain the problem it gives the impression that 
there are such people on both sides of the issue.

>The issue is spread on dozens of articles and I choose for example,
>one of them, the article on Zionism:
>The article on Zionism is completely written from an anti-semitic POV,
>and it even has a section of comparison between Zionism and Fascism,
>one about propaganda in the "corporatist press" and one about "ethnic
>Here are some excerpts:
>"Zionism is not Judaism, not Semitism (sic!), but a racist ideology which
>glorifies violence, just like Fascism"
Using only that sentence as an example one may very well ask at what 
point it becomes unacceptable.  To me the last part of the sentence 
beginning with "which" would be extremely difficult to justify.  At the 
same time it is fair to point out that certain groups do believe this as 
long as that fact is adequately referenced.  Some valid arguments may 
exist supporting the notion of a "racist ideology", but those putting 
them forward would do well to define just what they mean by the 
expression.  Leaving aside the purely linguistic issue of whether 
"Semitism" can exist separate from the term "anti-Semitism", I have no 
problem with the first part of the sentence.  Presumably that would be 
followed by an explanation of just what is meant.

I'm not going to comment on the other quotes, because I have no 
intention of viewing their context.

>There's absolutely nothing that can be kept from that article. Everything
>is just the lowest kind of anti-semitic propaganda.
>So I tried to revert to an older explaining that it's written from a
>neo-nazi POV. I got a warning for that, it was reverted and protected.
Your tone diminishes the impact of your POV.  It leaves me wondering 
whether you engaged in illegitimate tactics to achieve legitimate ends.

>I don't want to waste my time negotiating with Nazis. Any solution,
>apart from stopping editing Romanian Wikipedia?
Yes, take a more moderate approach to the problem.


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