[Wikipedia-l] From Romanian Wikipedia, the Nazi Encyclopedia

Fred Bauder fredbaud at waterwiki.info
Sun Apr 15 14:44:01 UTC 2007

>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Kavalos [mailto:johnkavalos at gmail.com]
>Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 04:49 AM
>To: wikipedia-l at lists.wikimedia.org
>Subject: [Wikipedia-l] From Romanian Wikipedia, the Nazi Encyclopedia
>There are some serious issues on Romanian Wikipedia, where a few Nazis
>have been taking over lots of articles, while the admins are
>supporting and defending them.
>I tried arguing, but it's useless with such a horde of freaks.
>The issue is spread on dozens of articles and I choose for example,
>one of them, the article on Zionism:
>The article on Zionism is completely written from an anti-semitic POV,
>and it even has a section of comparison between Zionism and Fascism,
>one about propaganda in the "corporatist press" and one about "ethnic
>Here are some excerpts:
>"Zionism is not Judaism, not Semitism (sic!), but a racist ideology which
>glorifies violence, just like Fascism"
>"the Jewish Romanians of Bessarabia betrayed the interests of their
>"later, Zionism got a fascist "colour". Vladimir Jabotinsky is an ideologue
>of terrorism, while the first modern terrorist state, Bolshevik Russia..."
>"when their leave was refused, the same Bolshevik-Zionist-anti-nationals
>become refuseniks, then neo-conservatives by leaving directly to America,
>where they promote Zionist wars."
>There's absolutely nothing that can be kept from that article. Everything
>is just the lowest kind of anti-semitic propaganda.
>So I tried to revert to an older explaining that it's written from a
>neo-nazi POV. I got a warning for that, it was reverted and protected.
>I don't want to waste my time negotiating with Nazis. Any solution,
>apart from stopping editing Romanian Wikipedia?

The solution is broader participation by Romanian speakers. So don't give up and don't engage in a meltdown on the site. Continue to advance alternate versions of the disputed articles, but don't overdo it.

The Foundation may chose to intervene, as I doubt this is an isolated problem.


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