[Wikipedia-l] Entries getting delete...

Maury Markowitz maury_markowitz at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 13 15:04:22 UTC 2007

> > >Honestly, it's not the admin's job to google everything.
> >
> > Think of the admins! Will someone please think of the admins?!
> >
> > >If the article creator doesn't specify a notiablity assertion, it's an 
> > >candidate.
> >
> > I am Bender, please insert girder.
>You're not being very constructive here. Was that supposed to be a
>joke? sarcasm? Please explain.

Wow, I had no idea this would work so well!

Your first statement appears to suggest that the major concern here should 
be admin workload, that it's ok to delete perfectly valid articles it that 
saves an admins having to think. This is similar to suggesting we should get 
rid of courts in order to speed up the justice system.

Your second statement suggests that slavish adherance to protocol is more 
important than the article itself. This is the same logic that leads to a 
fast-food delivery guy being shot dead by the police and everyone saying its 
OK because protocol was followed. I consider this even more rediculous. 
Wdeliberately put a human in the loop to avoid these problems. If we just 
wanted to robotically follow protocol, we could make a robot to do it. Yet 
the system still fails, continuously. That's because the A7 guidelines are 
vauge, and are being constantly misinterpreted.

So in order to demonstrate just how silly I think these statements are, I 
responded by quoting the Simpsons and Futurama. I think they're 
particularily cogent. The first is Helen Lovejoy's tagline (slightly 
modified), which she uses to deflect concern in any sort of moral crisis 
situation.The second quote is from an episode of Futurerama where Bender has 
his personality removed and he is reduced to a "pure robot", capable only of 
button-push responses.

The quotes were deliberately selected in order to be trivially easy to find 
using google with a minimum of effort. But apparently you couldn't be 
bothered. You see my point?


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