[Wikipedia-l] Lists to edit online

Sabine Cretella sabine_cretella at yahoo.it
Sun Mar 6 10:30:17 UTC 2005

Hi, before I upload words to wiktionary I normally create tables with 
the terms and then with mailmerge I create the pages to upload. In this 
way it is quite easy to create glossaries together with wiktionary 
contents and we have at least a double use.

Now creating the texts of Wikijunior in Italian (to have it then 
translated by one of my pupils into German) I created a short list of 
the big cats in English/German/Italian - Gerard already passed me the 
terms in Dutch. Now what would be really great is to edit this list 
online - so that many people could contribute. Then have the possibility 
to export into csv-format (with utf-8 coding).

Is there a software around that already does that? I could install it on 
my server for now - and of course any wikipedia project could use the 
contents as license would always be GNU FDL.

It would be the fastest way to create contents... can you help me with this?

Thank you for any hint!

Ciao, Sabine


Sabine Cretella
s.cretella at wordsandmore.it
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