[Wikipedia-l] Re: html emails

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 19:51:46 UTC 2005

Gregory Maxwell a écrit:
> On 4/19/05, Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Gregory Maxwell a écrit:
>>>HTML mails would make me unsub, perhaps that wouldn't be universally bad. :)
>>I did not understand what unsub means.
> Unsubscribe. I would turn off my list membership. I do not wish to
> received HTML mail, .. Most html mail is spam, and most html mail is
> dropped by my aggressive spamfilters. If this list went HTML, I wold
> miss many messages, so I might as well unsubscribe.

But WHO ever said this list will ever go html ????

> I would probably not be alone.
>>>As far as links go, your MUA should see them and make them clickable
>>>even without html mail, I'm sure someone here can make some
>>>recommendations for your platform...
>>I have no idea what MUA means.
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/MUA

I use the word client mail.

>>>Hmm.. Inline images might have been useful in our discussions about
>>>sexual images on wikipedia, I suppose... :)
>>I can't figure what you mean.
> HTML allows you to put pictures inside emails, not just links.  It can
> be abused to show you images that you don't like.   I would have found
> it amusing to abuse that feature when we were discussing blocking
> images, although I would not have actually done it.  Other people
> might, and it is a reason you should not want html mail.

The argument is frankly very poor.
No one will be able to post porn image from this list, since at least 
for now, only SJ and I are allowed to send messages with it.
I do not intend to post porn. The fact other people might do is not a 
valid argument.

>>If I may dare say... this mailing list is international. It would be
>>helpful if people made an effort so as to be understandable to more people.
>>It is a general comment, not limited to you only. Maybe I am a bit
>>stupid these days.
> I find this amusing:  I used "MUA" in an effort to be clear since I
> knew the acronym was the same in all languages.

MUA is not frankly a word much used by most people :-)

> HTML email can exclude people in much the same way that using obscure
> English words can confuse non-native readers, except it is far easier
> and less harmful to avoid HTML than it is to avoid English that is
> difficult for nonnative readers of english.


May I ask you a question ?

Have you ever read Quarto ?

Another question ?

Do you like beauty ?

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