[Wikipedia-l] the tool bar : disable it in some browsers (or fix

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Wed Jan 21 08:57:28 UTC 2004

> The 2) toobar is fatally flawed; as I said before it is a word
> processor-like toolbar that doesn't do what such a toolbar is expected to
> do.

All I see is a row of buttons and a line under it that says "Click a  
button to see an example for this formatting" - that seems fairly obvious  
to me. Let's judge this feature based on more feedback than just yours. I  
think your arguments smack of techno-elitism, "I learned wiki markup the  
hard way, so everyone else has to as well!" I would have loved to have  
even such a simple help toolbar when I started using Wikipedia. Yes, wiki  
markup is simple, but it's good to have learning aids.



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