[Wikipedia-l] Code 2000

Peter Jacobi peter_jacobi at gmx.net
Fri Aug 13 08:15:00 UTC 2004

Whereas Code 2000 may be a good start to support a lot of scripts, you
shouldn't repeat the claim of it being "free". It's shareware.

 If you like it and use it after a reasonable evaluation period, 
 you are  obliged to register the font by sending me $5 (Five 
 U.S. Dollars, or equivalent in any currency.)
 Registration Fee Schedule:
 US$  5.00 - Single user registration fee
 US$ 50.00 - Single site registration fee
 US$100.00 - Server/Web site (embedding) registration fee

In fact it is speculated that James Kass would be able to live a leisurely
life if every user would actually pay him.

A very complete directory of available fonts is at:

Peter Jacobi

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