[Wikipedia-l] pyWikipediabot news

Andre Engels engelsAG at t-online.de
Tue Apr 6 21:48:04 UTC 2004

"Evan Prodromou" <evan at wikitravel.org> schrieb:
> >>>>> "AE" == Andre Engels <engelsAG at t-online.de> writes:
>     AE> (so please, if you want the bot to work _don't_ customize the
>     AE> name of the /wiki/ directory as well).
> Explain to me again why I want a bot that has this kind of stuff
> hard-coded and difficult to change running against our server.

Actually, it isn't that hard to change, I realize now... If ever you
decide to change this 'wiki' on some Wikitravel, all we have to do
is move the 'wiki' from one variable to another. Not more work than
the change from the en.wikipedia.org to the www.wikitravel.org/en
syntax would be if it had gone as I thought (and hoped) it would
go. So, forget about this warning.

As to why you would like to use it: Ask Pierre Abbat.

And as to why these things are hardcoded: The bot was developped
for Wikipedia, and in general in the simplest way possible. If you
can tell me now what we want from it in one year, we might choose
a different model now rather than having to reverse-engineer later.
If not, I'll just keep with our existing 'model'.

Andre Engels

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