[Wikipedia-l] Vote on voting method for final round

Guillaume Blanchard gblanchard at arcsy.co.jp
Wed Sep 10 12:50:22 UTC 2003

Jimmy Wales wrote:

> > Maybe it slows down the voting a bit, but also it helps us to find a
> > voting system that fits wikipedia. So maybe this slow discussion is
> > helpful after all, in the longer run.
> Sure!  It's the wikipedia way to discuss everything to death in public
> forums for months until a rough consensus is achieved, and then of
> course to be accused of all decisions being made in secret, overnight,
> and by absolute fiat.  :-)

It seems we don't have the same definition of what a consensus is.

This rigid vote where no alternative proposition can be submit is at the
antipode of my vision of a consensus.

And I don't see anything encouraging in this discussion.

Hope I wrong...


> --Jimbo

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