[Wikipedia-l] Re: wikipede Steve

Anthere anthere6 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 00:25:28 UTC 2003

>Since youre here Anthere, 

Yes ?

>Maybe I can axe you a couple questions... I actually
>like the idea of merging ideas and such with two
>winning logo desigs merging to make something better,
>but Im not sure that the way whats his name has been
>going about it is bordering on --well being rude and

Oliezekat is his name.
We call him Kat
>Besides, just throwing a toony 7th place ant on a
>winning (and shaping up) 1st place logo, only makes
>the ant look like something we should stomp on.

I see that people feel that way. But the ant escaped
me a long time ago.
I don't know what toony means. It is not in the

>But I also like the ant as a concept animal -- for a
>mascot probably even more than I like the Wikipede --
>which was a clever play on the wikipedia name, but
>doesnt necessarily mean anything internationally.  I
>mention on the Wikipedie bio that the only reason he
>looks cute at all is because he only has six
>appendages instead of a hundred. In that silly sense,
>the Wikipedia is less of a centipede than it is an

I like your wikipede very much. I have no problem
finding cute a animal with 100 appendages :-) (in
truth, it is rather about 30 I think).
I think both could be mascot, but I also think both
would not be great mascots, because both animals are
insects, and insects tend not to be liked by many
people. I know the ant is a bit scarry to some people
(I think Angela mentionned it) and probably the
wikipede as well. Very few insects are well perceived.

I do not feel entirely favorable in truth, to a mascot
idea. I do not need that to focus on the concept :)
A great idea imho, is the blown dandelion fruit, used
on our dictionnaries, representing the dispersion of
the seeds of knowledge.

Flowers carry concepts very well. Even cactii :-)

>But what I really want to know --this sort of cheezy
>way of trying to curvumvent the voting process on the
>mascot--- Is this just a case of 'pushy French
>attitude' ;) or am I missing something?

Cheezy ? Lol.
Our cheese are culturally different Steve.

It would be best not to generalize I think.
Unless you want me to pick up one american wikipedian
to generalize a specific type of widely-considered
typical american attitude.

Perhaps, two people are not enough to make hasty
generalization over a whole population. And perhaps
also, here, only pushy people may survive and get

But, yeah, that is pushy :-) I agree.

See the bright side of him : a strong desire of
involvement. A willingness to strengthen communities
ties. Enthousiam !

Usually americans are the pushy ones, french more
attentists and diplomatic. Perhaps here, the french
are the pushy ones, and unable to be diplomatic.
Though, on that whole matter, I think more than one
person lost hir diplomacy.

I don't like spoiling fun others are having. Users
will choose in the end. And being neither diplomatic
nor ambassador, it is not mine to say things :-)

What would you suggest doing Steve ?

>Culturally illiterate,

So do I

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