[Wikipedia-l] Re: Slashdot

Tim Starling ts4294967296 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 10 00:19:30 UTC 2003

Adam Bishop wrote:
> I don't know if anyone has noticed this yet, but Wikipedia has been 
> mentioned on Slashdot again, and there have been a few vandals who seem 
> to have arrived from there in the past few minutes. I suppose the 
> "slashdot effect" may be imminent...

According to Alexa we now get as much traffic as Slashdot. So it follows 
that they have as much to fear from us as we have to fear from them. 
Maybe if we mentioned Slashdot on our main page, they would get a sudden 
influx of visitors which they would be obliged to refer to as the 
"Wikipedia effect". :)

-- Tim Starling <tstarlingphysicsunimelbeduau>

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