[Wikipedia-l] Logo contest

Till Westermayer till at tillwe.de
Mon Sep 8 19:59:13 UTC 2003

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . till we *) . . .


>It looks like some specific decisions are going to have to be
>made, and in a timely fashion, and so I'm hereby officially
>authorizing Erik to make structural adjustments to the contest as
>necessary and in the spirit of openness as much as is feasible, so
>that we can come to a quick resolution that we can all support.


finally ... the benevolent dictator at work ...

(No, it's okay for me, even if I don't like the way these things work.
Only real problem with delegating the benevolent dictatorship re
structural contests adjustments to Erik is finalist logo entry #10 ...).

 __ .
 / / / /                            ... Till Westermayer - till we *)
. .
  . mailto:till at tillwe.de . www.westermayer.de/till/ . icq 320393072
  . Habsburgerstr. 82 . 79104 Freiburg . 0761 55697152 . 0160 96619179
  . . . . .

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