[Wikipedia-l] SVG whiteboard

Steve Vertigum utilitymuffinresearch2 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 6 00:31:31 UTC 2003

Last night I did some digging into installing
whiteboard capability for WP and was pleased to find
it has just been implemented -- See
http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/SVG_whiteboard  for
links and discussion. The below text is from a dude
named Danny Ayers--I inquired of him because of his
apparent experience dealing with a wiki implementation
of an SVG whiteboard and various similar SVG related
issues. We dont even have true SVG viewing capability
yet though...

As if there wasnt enough on the collective plate
Hi Stevertigo, I just got your comment on my blog re.
SVG Whiteboard. I'll be happy to help if I can.

You might also be interested in is what I've got in
mind for the Wiki code I'm working on. I plan to
generate RDF metadata from all pages - most of this
will be from the RSS 1.0 vocabulary, but I'll also
have to create some custom terms (like "WikiWord").
Basically provide machine-readable data about the
knowledge contained in the Wiki. This would (IMHO) be
a wonderful extension for the Wikipedia, for example,
where appropriate entries in the Wikipedia could be
automatically cross-referenced with WordNet and dmoz
entries. Putting it on the Semantic Web is a nice
visionary thing too.

As with the WikiWhiteboard, the implementation would
be different (I'm primarily using Java, though I think
Eugene's version is in Perl), but the RDF-specific
parts would be the same in the same way that the SVG
parts can stay the same across Wikis.

Cheers, Danny.

danny666 at virgilio.it 

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