[Wikipedia-l] Re:logo pb

Vicki Rosenzweig vr at redbird.org
Tue Sep 2 14:08:09 UTC 2003

At 05:07 AM 9/2/03 -0700, Anthere wrote:
>Till Westermayer till at tillwe.de
>How observant of you :-) (<- this is meant to be a
>very friendly and cheerful irony)
>Logo 138 (or rather logoS 138) were added after the
>deadline, hence were removed by our foreman (err...the
>organizer in case this word hold meanings I am not
>aware of).
>One of the logo 138 had the same name than another,
>hence it replaced it. The previous saved state was
>Logos 138 were kat-related logo. Very nice artwork,
>but I fear they would not have been fit as logos
>anyway, so  it is sad for the author, but won't impact
>the final choice.
>Cheers Tillwe
>I take the opportunity to report - as an ambassador -
>the displeasure of some author, who feel there is
>applied pressure to direct their creativity to another
>direction than is their wish, and officially ask me to
>help him as my english ability is better than his. (<-
>this is a neutral report)
>In my opinion, any logo proposition and any logo
>versioning is a "free-of-choice" work, and
>"free-to-display" work (except for
>sex-race-color-political-religion related works
>perhaps, though this might be controversial), and any
>pressure on authors is out of bounds. Please. Thanks.
>(<- This is a personal opinion. Please and thanks mean
>please and thanks, and this part of my message is not
>for you Tillwe dear :-))

My understanding is that artists are/were welcome to submit
any logo they wanted, and then everyone--including artists--are
encouraged to vote for logos we think are appropriate.

I'm not sure I understand the complaint.

Vicki Rosenzweig
vr at redbird.org

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