[Wikipedia-l] limit of edits for anonymous users

Jay Bowks jjbowks at adam.cheshire.net
Thu Mar 6 19:35:40 UTC 2003

From: "Chuck Smith" <msochuck at yahoo.com>
> Could we have a limit of 50 edits for anonymous users?
>  I just don't think anonymous users should be making
> this many edits in one day...  what do you think? 
> ...and yes, this is happening in the Eo Wikipedia!

Or perhaps ask that at a specified
number they must log in??? I know
that I sometimes don't bother logging
in and once you get carried away 
adding articles and making edits,
you just forget about not being
logged in. So a reminder would 
be helpful if it could be implemented
without much fuss or trouble. Other
wise if there is no harm done then
is the reason for the limit a feeling
that some bot may mess things up?
That could be a problem... What 
else could be done?

With regards,
Jay B. 

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