[Wikipedia-l] Re: [Sodipodi-list] Wikiclips

Bryce Harrington bryce at osdl.org
Tue Dec 9 04:44:01 UTC 2003

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Brion Vibber wrote:
> In MediaWiki when you upload a new file with the same name as an
> existing file, the old version is archived and remains accessible. It
> can be viewed, saved locally and reuploaded with a new name, or
> reverted in-place. _Deleting_ an image revision would do so
> permanently, but this is now a restricted admin action.

I'd imagine this approach would nicely satisfy the principle
requirements of such a system.

> SVG is an interesting case though; being XML-based it would be possible
> to provide SVG files in human-readable -- and even human-editable --
> source form. That's something we don't currently provide for, but it
> would be possible to provide for a file upload form that stores data
> into a wiki page.

While I don't know many people that habitually hand-edit SVG files, I
could imagine something akin to this might be useful for templatified
graphics, such as street signs, language translatable signs, etc.

> OddMuse's file upload feature works like this, I believe.
> (http://www.oddmuse.org/)
> Also hypothetically a plugin- or java-based editor app could be
> launched directly from the page, but that's outside the scope of this
> stuff...

You should check this out:



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