[Wikipedia-l] Difficulties with Wikipedia

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Mon May 13 07:33:08 UTC 2002

"d.n.mckee" wrote:
> In light of the current difficulties, discussion on the wiki would have
> been difficult at best, and impossible at worst!
> However, a page devoted to technical issues (eg: scheduled downtimes,
> current difficulties, fixes implemented) with a brief non-technical
> explanation of the problems would probably be of use...
>  ... if there is one, it's not used enough!
> In terms of the status of the system, even having just the base
> functionality is a Good Thing: if people can read, type and edit, then
> the Wikipedia will continue. Even if that's not possible for some
> reason, just letting people read (and letting them know they can't
> write, today) is a Good Thing, too.
> And guys: don't give up the hard work! :D

I agree. Basic functionality has been restored and we can 'do stuff'
even if it's not fancy. That's what's really important. But it might be
a Good Thing to add another page to the special pages section for
technical updates/'what's in the pipeline'/'what we're working on' so
that people can stay informed more easily.


Karen AKA Kajikit

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