[Wikipedia-l] Difficulties with Wikipedia

d.n.mckee d.n.mckee at durham.ac.uk
Mon May 13 05:59:18 UTC 2002

In light of the current difficulties, discussion on the wiki would have
been difficult at best, and impossible at worst!

However, a page devoted to technical issues (eg: scheduled downtimes,
current difficulties, fixes implemented) with a brief non-technical
explanation of the problems would probably be of use...

 ... if there is one, it's not used enough!

In terms of the status of the system, even having just the base
functionality is a Good Thing: if people can read, type and edit, then
the Wikipedia will continue. Even if that's not possible for some
reason, just letting people read (and letting them know they can't
write, today) is a Good Thing, too.

And guys: don't give up the hard work! :D

Dragon Dave.

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